Capacitors are electronic components that have the ability to save electrons for time indefinite. Different capacitors store electric charge accumulatorin particular no chemical changes in materials of capacitors, the magnitude of the capacitance of a capacitor is expressed in farads. Another sense Capacitors are electronic components that can store and release electrical charge. The structure ofa capacitor made of two pieces of metal plates separated by a dielectric material. Dielectric materials are commonly known as air vacuum, ceramics, glass andothers. If both ends of the metal plate rated voltage, the charge-positive charge will accumulate on one leg (electrode) metal and at the same time the negative chargesaccumulated at the other end of the metal. Positive charge can not flow toward the negative pole and the opposite end of the negative charge can not go to the positivepole tip, separated by a dielectric material as a non-conductive. Electric charge is"stored" as long as there is no conduction at the ends of the legs. In nature, this phenomenonoccurs when the capacitor charge-accumulation of positive and negative charges in the cloud. Ability untukmenyimpan electrical charge on the capacitor is calledcapacitance or capacity.
Capacitance is defined as the ability of a capacitor to be accommodate the electron charge. Coulombs on the 18 th century calculated that thecoulomb = 6.25 x 1018 electrons. Then Michael Faraday postulated that a capacitorwill have a capacitance of 1 farad when a voltage of 1 volt can load as many as 1electron charge coulombs. With the formula can be written.
Q = C.V
Q = electron charge in C (coulombs)
C = capacitance value in F (farads)
V = the voltage in V (volts)
C = capacitance value in F (farads)
V = the voltage in V (volts)
Various kinds of capacitors according to materials and construction. Capacitors as well as the capacitance value resistors are made permanent andthere is the variable. Air dielectric capacitor, the capacitance changes from maximum to minimum value. We often encounter variable capacitor in the circuit of a radio receiver and tunersection oscillators. In order to change the capacitance in the two parts are thensimultaneously used capacitors double variable. Dual variable capacitor is a two variable capacitors with a singleplayer. Based on the capacitor dielectric is divided into several types, among others:
1. ceramic capacitors
2. film capacitors
3. electrolytic capacitors
4. tantalum capacitors
5. capacitor paper
Electrolytic capacitors and tantalum capacitors are capacitors that have a polar orpolar, often called by the name of a polar capacitor. Film capacitors consist of severaltypes, namely polyester film, poly propylene film or polysterene film.
1. ceramic capacitors
2. film capacitors
3. electrolytic capacitors
4. tantalum capacitors
5. capacitor paper
Electrolytic capacitors and tantalum capacitors are capacitors that have a polar orpolar, often called by the name of a polar capacitor. Film capacitors consist of severaltypes, namely polyester film, poly propylene film or polysterene film.
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