Motor DC (Direct Current )

DC motors are the basic electromechanical equipment that serves to transform electric power into mechanical power that the design was originally introduced by Michael Faraday. DC motor rotates because there is interaction between the permanent magnetic field with the forces acting on the winding (coil) due to currents flowing in the windings. Motor rotates because of the permanent magnet with the force arising in the coil will be mutual attraction and mutual repulsion on each pole.

As the name implies, the DC motor is energized with DC voltage (Direct Current = direct current). Thus the DC motor rotation will reverse direction if the polarity of the applied voltage is also changed. DC motors have a working voltage is varied. Anyone has a working voltage of 3 V, 6 V and 12 V. Fortunately, 6 Volt DC motor can still operate normally when given working voltage 3 Volt, although the rotation becomes slow and the resulting torque is also smaller. To be used in robotic systems, rotation of a DC motor is usually too tight. For the gear-gear arrangement is used to reduce the rotational speed shaft torque motor and also to increase.


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